Friday, February 4, 2011

Making Decisions

Several years ago I read about a "super woman" in Proverbs 31. Being awestruck by her wisdom and abilities I attempted to become like her. Suddenly the "light bulb" came on - realizing self-imposed expectations were controlling my emotions and actions.  This was not a good scene. A deeper study of this scripture revealed that this scenerio was only an example for women of today. We do not have to be "superwomen" but women who deal wisely in every day situations. When faced with challenges we can make wise decisions by considering three simple steps:
     1. Get The Facts: Never make snap decisions. Know the pros and cons of the situation. What is best for you and your family? Often it helps to draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper, one column for Pros and other cons. Seeing facts on paper is better than running the facts around in your head.
     2. Seek God: Share your inner thoughts with Him in prayer. Too often we rely on others to tell us what action we are to take. Why "seek God?" Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that He know the thoughts and plans He has for us and they are for Good. (BJo's paraphrase) He desires the best, the perfect plan.  He knows our needs and how to answer.  Matthew 6:33 says "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you."
     3.  Make The Decision: Did you know there are those who don't like to make decisions? Not making a decision means you have already made one. Step out after you have sought God.  Don't allow fear to hold you back. Fear paralyzes. I have discovered that the fear of being out of God's will, will keep us from walking in His will. He will never misguide you.
     As women of God we must have an open heart and mind. Be teachable and reachable. Let's get in the flow of what God has for us as women and be filled with the Joy of the Lord for that is our strength.
      Planning a wedding? 1) keep a notebook with you and write down ideas, what to do & what is completed. Don't try to remember everything - it only adds to confusion. 2) Make index card for each invitee including name and address. As gifts are received write item on the card. Your thank you list is ready. 3) at the wedding have scotch tape available so those receive gifts can tape card to gift - no lost cards.  Make these planning days fun, exciting and enjoy this special time in your life.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stress Free Holidays

Christmas is rapidly approaching and it is easy to become stressed as we look at our shopping list and busy calendar. Here are some tips to help you enjoy the Holidays
      Entertaining during the Holidays is my favorite activity.  Each year my husband, Dale, and I have a Holiday Open House for friends, family and associates. This requires planning.
       1. Once you have selected the date and time make your invitation list
       2. I purchase invitations at the end of the season. I save money and eliminate the stress of shopping for invites at the last minute. Then am prepared to address invitations several weeks in advance, mailing them approx. two weeks prior to party
       3. Next plan the menu. Keeping it simple with items which can be prepared in advance.
       4. Make of a list of all ingredients needed and purchase non-perishable items.
       5. Two to three weeks prior to Open House baking of cookies and desserts begins - making items which can be frozen.
       6. Make a schedule: When to remove items from freezer, what items to make ahead of the party - showing date of preparation and I even list time of day to do last minute food preparation.
       7. Early in the week set your buffet table - trays, dishes, centerpiece, plates, napkings, etc.
       8. I write each food item to be served, on a small piece of paper and place it on the tray or dish. This eliminates last minute frustration trying to find the proper tray or dish for the items.  Also, if you have a friend assisting, she will know what your desire is.  In selecting the serving piece, I take into consideration color and type of food - resulting in a decorative and colorful table.
I realize this may sound too detail or organized but you will discover you will be relaxed when the guests arrive, giving you time to visit rather than being in the kitchen.
     During your preparation time, clean up as you go - loading the dishwasher or hand wash equipment and return unused food and items back to their proper place.

      I hope these tips will help you have a most enjoyable stress free Holiday.
      And to you, your family and friends - MERRY CHRISTMAS

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Welcome to Special Moments

I’m excited to introduce “Special Moments.” It’s my desire to reach out and touch the hearts of women of all ages and walks of life by sharing words of encouragement, helping the reader lead a balanced lifestyle in  the home, workplace, community, church and personal life.

Titus 2:2-5 is my motivation

“…the older women…give good counsel and be teachers of what is right and noble, so they will wisely train the young women to be sane and Sober of mind (temperate, disciplined) and love husband and children. To be self-controlled, chaste, homemakers, good-natured…” 

(excerpts from Amplified Bible)

As a young wife and mother I found myself trying to be everything to everyone and fit into the “mold” and fulfill the expectations of others. I was frustrated and felt like a hypocrite for allowing standards of to control me – at the same time looking for some peace and stability in my life – while getting caught up in the “feel sorry for me” attitude. Then one day I read Romans 12:2 “Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold.” (Phillips). I was following the world’s plan not God’s (I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jer. 29:11). Ladies, don’t allow yourself to be influenced by the world’s behavior and customs. I urge you to meditate on these two verses and allow God to revel his plan to you. You will be set free to be yourself.

Tips and Quips:
Having a patio party? Line picnic basket with colorful cloth napkins, tip on side and have rolls/bread spilling out. Line a large flower basket with foil and fill with your lovely fresh green salad.